Thursday, December 28, 2006

Update from Jacq

It has been four months since our stay @ SummerKeys. I have yet to find a viola teacher near my location. However I have not given up on trying new things. I have purchased the series of books "Solos for Young Violists" with Barbara Barber. I have been practicing along with a CD of piano accompaniment, and I think that I am doing pretty well. Country Gardens from volume one is coming along pretty well, and Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring from volume two is helping me learn different positions.

Of course with Christmas time and all the carols, I have teamed up with another musician to play Silent Night at church on Christmas Eve. When I get a copy of the video that was recorded I will post it for you all to see.

Welcome!! Violas/Violins of Summerkeys

After receiving Sheng's email about getting a blog/journal going, I thought that I would start one. So hear it is....